Thursday, October 27, 2016


Engineering materials lab
Dear Students!
Who's file has not been completed due to any reason, should be completed and checked till 10.11.2016.
No one's fill will be checked after ....
So start completing...If you have not completed yet,

Here lab manuals are available on request!...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Dear Students!
This time I am not going to upload your minor 3rd marks on blog.
So don't wait on blog to check your & yours friend's marks.

I will show, your minor 3rd's copy in the class on 7.11.2016, so wait!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Dear Students!
Unit 4th notes are available, It seems to be that we all don't have sufficient Lecture to complete the Last Unit, so you will have to do self study and prepare well so that no questions would be left unanswered in the final exam.

You, All are talented guys and can do it, Best of luck!

4th unit part1of9

4th unit part2of9

4th unit part3of9

4th unit part4of9

4th unit part5of9

4th unit part6of9

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4th unit part9of9


4th unit All in one

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Dear Students!
Check their minor 2nd marks, this marks is final, and will be uploaded soon,
If Any mistake, errors you see, inform me till 23.10.16

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Dear Students/friends
Now you can download lecture notes for unit 3, Rest all parts are available to download.
Given notes is sufficient for minor 3rd.

errors if any, then remind me for correction.